Engineer gets dream job past 50

L.Rajagopal / The Hindu
L.Rajagopal / The Hindu

Government job comes 22 years after he registered with employment exchange

Twenty-two years after he registered with the employment exchange in Tamil Nadu, L.Rajagopal’s dream came true: he landed a government job, six years before he is scheduled to retire.

He was given his appointment order for the post of assistant engineer in the Chennai Corporation about 10 days ago. On the first day of the training session for newly recruited assistant engineers at Ripon Buildings on Monday, Mr.Rajagopal along with other engineers half his age, declared his determination to contribute to welfare measures and civic improvement during his tenure.

After two frustrating attempts in his pursuit of his personal ‘Holy Grail’ – a government job – Mr. Rajagopal heaved a huge sigh of relief on the the first day of the training session.

He is the oldest among the 81 assistant engineers selected by the Corporation recently. The youngest engineer is 21 years.

The decision to opt for “private practice” after graduating from Tirunelveli Government Engineering College in the 1980s cost him a secure future, he rues. “I registered late with the employment office, in 1992. I was a (private) licensed surveyor in Srivilliputtur. As competition increased, I was unable to sustain the initial drive. By the time I understood the importance of a secure government job, it was too late,” says Mr.Rajagopal whose eldest daughter is all set to join college next year.

“In 2007, I appeared for a test, and on clearing it, I joined the TWAD Board, but thought the position offered at the TNPCB was better, so I moved. Unfortunately, that batch could not continue in service because of a court case. I was again left without a government job,” he says.

“Now, this new job seems challenging. I will certainly strive to bring about a change in civic conditions of my ward by giving additional focus on maintaining records,” promises Mr.Rajagopal.

“The coming six years will provide me a wonderful opportunity to explore the meaning of public service in life.”

source: / The Hindu / Home> News> National> Tamil Nadu / by Aloysius Xavier Lopez / Chennai – January 21st, 2014