TN homes may get uninterrupted power, thanks to IIT’s innovation



A couple of homes in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Ka­rnataka and Kerala will get uninterrupted 48V DC current from next month on pi­lot basis.

Researchers of the Tenet group at Indian Institute of Technology-Madras, ha­ve co­me up with a new techno­logy to provide uninterru­pted power to homes across the country.

The project is the brainchild of IIT-M dir­ector Prof Bhaskar Rama­murthi and electrical engineering professor Ashok Jhunjhunwala (both founding members of Tenet gr­oup).

They have joined ha­nds with electricity boards of TN, Andhra Pradesh, Ka­r­nataka and Kerala to im­pl­ement the project on a pilot basis.

Explaining the functioning of the system, Prof. Jh­u­njhunwala, a member of the PM’s Science Advisory Council, said the power di­s­tribution company would install a dedicated 48V low-power direct current (DC) line from sub-station to ho­uses.

The current would fl­ow through a separate me­ter to power three lights, two fans and a mobile cha­rger.

But a Tangedco official sa­id  huge in­­ve­st­ment is needed to create infrastructure to supply DC to households.

source: / Deccan Chronicle / Home> Nation> Current Affairs / DC / January 30th, 2014