“Venture is expected to improve livelihood of SHG members”
To prepare dry fish in a hygienic manner, a solar fish drier was commissioned at Vellaipatti near here on Friday.
As drying of fishes was being done in an unhygienic way by spreading them on the ground, the district administration had given its nod for the installation of a solar fish drier at a cost of Rs. 1.70 lakh under District Innovative Fund.
Accordingly, the drier has been installed in Vellaipatti under Keezha Arasadi Panchayat near Tuticorin and was formally commissioned by A. Bella, Project Director, District Rural Development Agency, on Friday.
The drier will be maintained by Sarojini Self-Help Group members of Vellaipatti.
When fishes are dried in an open place, it will not be a hygienic product due to contamination by vermin, dust particles, sand, bacteria and other harmful contaminants and not fit for safe consumption.
At the same time, drying fishes with the help of solar drier is an easy, cost-effective and hygienic and the product will be free from all contaminants.
Since the 20-odd SHGs at Vellaipatti were already involved in the production of fish, prawn and crabpickle and mending fishnet, the solar fish drier was sanctioned to this coastal village.
“Fishes dried in this method can easily be sold through shops, exhibitions and even be exported. Ultimately, this venture will improve the livelihood of SHG members,” Ms. Bella said.
source: http://www.thehindu.com / The Hindu / Home> News> Cities> Madurai / by Special Correspondent / Tuticorin – March 01st, 2014