Leprosy Activist gets Excellence Award

Chennai :

Social activist Padma Venkatraman, who has associated herself with leprosy patients for the last 30 years, was awarded the Vocational Excellence Award by the Rotary Club of Adyar recently.

Speaking on the occasion, Padma said that it was a great honour to receive the award from Rotary. “I am privileged to receive the award from Rotary. I want to bring hope in the lives of those affected by leprosy. They have come a long way from being social outcasts and now they are slowly being accepted,” she said. “The leprosy afflicted are training in several vocational skills and are being given opportunity to take up various jobs, creating different products.

In fact, there is an artist colony from where their paintings are sent all over the world,” she added. Rtn T Sathish, secretary, Rotary Club of Adyar, proposed a formal vote of thanks on the occasion.

source: http://www.newindianexpress.com / The New Indian Express / Home> Cities> Chennai / by Express News Service  / November 01st, 2014