Together, they fly Guinness flag

An aerial view of the national flag formed by volunteers who created a Guinness record in Chennai on Sunday / PTI
An aerial view of the national flag formed by volunteers who created a Guinness record in Chennai on Sunday / PTI

30,000 Chennaiites break record with ‘human Tricolour’

At 4 a.m. on Sunday, Chennaiites started gathering at the YMCA grounds here; a few hours later, a Guinness World Record was broken. Over 30,000 people came together to create the world’s largest human formation of a national flag, surpassing Pakistan in this feat.

Nine months ago, a sports club in Lahore made the first attempt to create a human national flag of Pakistan with 28,957 people and held the record for the largest formation till Sunday.

Seyda Subasi-Gemici, adjudicator of Guinness World Records Ltd., said, “It is a big historical day for India. I was very touched when I saw people gather around 5 a.m. and wait till noon in this heat to be a part of this event. They have truly showed their unity today.”

India is prepared to create such huge records and they can recreate this at any point in time, she added.

She recollected how she visited Chennai last year for “Parle Golu Galatta 2011,” the largest doll collection.

Isak Nazar, Governor of Rotary Club International 3230 that organised the event, said, “This achievement that people of Chennai have made is special. We organised this event to instil patriotism among the people and let future generations know about the importance of national flag.”

Planning for the event started 10 months ago.

“We mobilised people from colleges and corporate firms over a period of time. We had a set of architects who planned this,” Mr. Nazar said.

source: / The Hindu / Home> News> Cities> Chennai / by Staff Reporter / Chennai – December 08th, 2014