As it completes 40 eventful years in chennai, Doordarshan vows to continue as family-oriented infotainment channel.
On the occasion of Doordarshan Chennai’s 40th anniversary, several celebrities and dignitaries flocked to the Narada Gana Sabha on Wednesday to celebrate the channel that defined television for them.
They also offered suggestions on the route it should take in the future.
Actor and director Bhagyaraj recalled how Doordarshan launched many a film career. “It is from DD that the world of cinema got several musicians and actors. Music director Deva and actor Vadivukarasi were involved in DD programmes before entering films,” said Mr. Bhagyaraj, who has directed Kadhaiyin Kadhai for DD-Podhigai.
“Programmes on my grandfather and violinist Kumbakonam Rajamanickam Pillai have been telecast,” actor Thyagu said.
“We are enjoying the limelight because of DD. My drama, Ayya Amma Ammama, has been telecast eight times since 1982,” said Mr. Ramamurthy, who has done nearly 48 plays for Doordarshan.
Danseuse Padma Subrahmanyam, who performed at the launch of DD in 1975, was back on Wednesday to give a Bharatanatyam performance. “I am glad to be associated with DD for many decades. I remember giving a solo performance on Krishnayya Tubhyam Namaha and Silapadigaram then,” said Ms. Subrahmanyam, who has been performing for DD every year.
“I have performed in many Bharatanatyam shows and even produced programmes like Konjum Salangai,” said veteran actor Vennira Aadai Nirmala.
“I watch DD-Podhigai regularly because of the importance it gives to classical music and Bharatanatyam,” she added.
Governor K. Rosaiah said that with programmes on health, education, career counselling, film and agriculture, Doordarshan catered to diverse viewers.
He lauded DD-Podhigai for creating awareness of government schemes and staying a family channel despite stiff competition from private satellite channels.
Adopting the latest technology in production and ensuring more advertisements would take DD-Podhigai ahead of other channels, he said.
Earlier, A. Suryaprakash, chairman of Prasar Bharati, elaborated on the need for a public service broadcaster in these days of mushrooming private satellite channels.
Recalling the popular programmes, including sports quiz, he said, “We will continue to offer quality infotainment and unbiased news and raise awareness on government schemes.”
Nadoja Mahesh Joshi, additional director general (south zone), Doordarshan, and N. Thyagarajan, additional director general (engineering, south zone), also spoke on technological changes that DD has undergone.
source: http://www.thehindu.com / The Hindu / Home> News> Cities> Chennai / by K. Lakshmi / Chennai – August 13th, 2015