Twenty two visitors from England have come all the way to Udhagamandalam not for a holiday but to trace the roots of their grand parents who lived and worked here.
But they were nevertheless delighted to see places such as Botanical garden and Charing Cross which reminded them of places back home. Such as the Adam foundation at Charing Cross which is there in London as well.
Many Britishers continued to live in Udhagamandalam after India’s Independence. A lot of them have been laid to rest at the cemeteries at Stephens and Thomas Church.
Locals say that not a year passes by without a tourist from England coming to the hill station looking for memories. Many of them recognise the places as they have heard about them from their grandparents who lived and worked here. The 22-member group included Freddy Shaw who came to see the places where his father worked and lived. The 22-member team is on a 16-day tour of South India and they reached the hill station on Saturday.
Freddy said that his father worked with the Army from 1944-46 at Duley camp of 22 Madras Unit.
V. Stalin who is a tour manager and guide took the visitors to the Botanical garden, Dodabetta and Stone house (the present Govt Arts College) which was the first building in Udhagamandalam built by the Britishers. They also visited Toda tribal hamlets and St Stevens church. A train ride on the NMR and a trip to the tea estates are also on the cards.
source: http://www.thehindu.com / The Hindu / Home> National> Tamil Nadu / by V. S. Palaniappan / Udhagamandalam – October 04th, 2015