Born2Win Trans* Achievers Awards recognises role models from the community
The Sixth Annual Born2Win Trans* Achiever Awards recognised not only members from the community who have accomplished their goals in their own right but also their mothers who were immensely supportive of their gender nonconforming children and others who supported LGBT rights. The event was held at Rani Seethai Hall on Tuesday.
“I don’t know how to explain my feelings, but I am really happy to see you all and wish you well,” said 82-year-old Chinnammal, mother of Jeeva Rangaraj from TRA, an NGO which works for transgender rights.
This year, 19 individuals were chosen for various categories of awards. Among them was a medical student, a physiotherapist, a model and a social activist.
Grateful voices
“I am so honoured to be chosen for this award. It only shows that I am on the right path,” said Solu S., a Madurai based physiotherapist, who now works with children with special needs. “The day I had to leave home after I came out to my family, I didn’t know what life held for me. But thanks to the people I met in my journey I was able to discover my passion and work towards it,” she said.
Neelamma, an activist, who was awarded the Lifetime achievement award, recalled the difficult times when transgenders were ill-treated and subjected to constant threats and abuse. “Decades ago, transgenders couldn’t even walk freely on the streets, without being hit by stones or cursed. But now we have all come a long way. I am so proud to see you all achieve your dreams and passion, I will always be there to support you,” she said with tears.
Divya Priya and her husband Sasikumar received the Trans* Couple of the year award. The two received the award with Divya Priya’s mother and got a standing ovation from the audience.
The Trans* Ally award recipients were Member of Parliament Tiruchi Siva and Arun Prabhu, director of the Tamil movie Aruvi.
Aditi Balan, who played the titular character in Aruvi, also participated in the event. “I had a completely different opinion about transgenders before I interacted with one in my movie. I am very excited to be a part of this event,” she said.
Advocate Sudha Ramalingam was also present.
source: http://www.thehindu.com / The Hindu / Home> News>Cities> Chennai / by Staff Reporter / Chennai – April 18th, 2018