E. Bhoopathi, a powerloom weaver in Somanur, invested ₹6 lakh in 2013 to install five kw solar energy system at his weaving unit. Generating at least 20 units of energy a day through the system, he is a motivation to many other weavers who are waiting for favourable policies to invest in solar power.
“Power cuts were crippling production six years ago and we could not afford to run the weaving unit with 10 looms on diesel generator. So I decided to go in for solar energy,” he says. The system is not connected to the grid and is supported with a battery. He is able to run the looms for seven to eight hours a day using solar energy.
Mr. Bhoopathi adds that the Government provides power subsidy to powerloom units. Further, net metering facility is not available for industries that went in for rooftop solar energy panels.
Hence, it is not attractive to many. But, if the powerloom units can connect the solar energy system to the grid and supply the excess power generated to the grid, many weavers will go in for it.
The PowerTex scheme implemented by the Union Government extends subsidy to powerloom units that want to tap solar energy.
source: http://www.thehindu.com / The Hindu / Home> News> Cities> Coimbatore / by M. Soundariya Preetha / Coimbatore – May 03rd, 2019