Indian Brit is new UK Dy HC

Bharat Joshi.
Bharat Joshi.


Bharat Joshi is the new British Deputy High Commissioner in Che­nnai.

He succeeds Mike Nithavrianakis who had served here for four very active years. Joshi will have a challenging task ahead as a major part of his Chennai portfolio is focused on enh­ancing the trade and inv­estment partnership between the UK and the southern states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Pudu­cherry.

Born in Croydon, UK, in 1969, Joshi joined the Foreign and Com­monwealth Office (FCO) in 1995 and has had dip­lomatic postings in Ga­mbia, Dhaka and Qatar. He was most recently British High Commi­ssioner to Cam­eroon and non-resident Amba­ss­ador to Gabon, Chad, Equa­torial Guinea and Central African Rep­ublic.

A specialist in crisis ma­nagement, he had be­en deployed to the scenes of major incidents invo­lving British nationals including after the bom­bing of the British consulate general at Ista­nbul in 2003.
He has spent much time in dealing with critical diplomatic issues, including promoting tra­de and human rights, besides climate change and UN policy issues.

Joshi said he is hugely excited “returning to my country of origin at a time when the UK’s relations with India are growing at a faster pace than ever before — evidenced by growing tra­de, the opening of new UK offices across India and regular high-level visits in both directions —  is a dream come true.”

He said he was “looking forward to getting to know this part of the country and its people over the next few years.” Joshi is married to Bhakti for 17 years and they have two daughters. Cricket, badminton, history, reading and travelling are among his prime interests.

source: / Deccan Chronicle / Home> News> Current Affairs / by DC / November 06th, 2013