Well, the Kinatru Theru is named after a potent deity

Madurai  :

A couple of streets in Madurai are named after wells. Of these, Thottiyan Kinatru Theru has a few interesting tales behind its evolution.

The wide street which runs from Maravar Chavadi in South Masi Street to South Avani Moola Street is named after a well which existed in the locality till about a quarter century ago. A century back Thottiyan Kinatru Theru was known as Maravar Chavadi Street, said K Ganesan, a 64-year-old retired corporation employee. The street later acquired the current name after the local deity, Thottichi, enshrined in a small tank-like structure at the end of the street.

Many Maravar households existed in the locality. Marvars were mainly employed as soldiers in the armies of several dynasties that ruled Madurai. It was at Maravar Chavadi the Marvars used to assemble before marching to Kavalkooda or Kavalkotta Theru where the army post existed. “As the worship of Thottichi – the local deity – gained prominence in the last few decades the street came to be known as Thottiyan Kinatru Theru,” Ganesan explained.

Local residents say the deity is powerful. R Arumuga Perumal, who runs a petty shop near Thottichi’s shrine, narrated about a ritual on the street. People will anoint the deity with milk after child births in their homes. “She is a powerful deity who fulfils the prayers of her devotees. She demands milk from households in case of child birth. It is believed the new-borns develop trouble during sleep if the milk is not offered to the deity within 30 days,” the 49-year-old said.

Perumal recalled the existence of the well 25 years ago. “People entering into Meenakshi Temple through the south gate used to wash their feet with the water fetched from the well. Such wells existed in all four entry points into the temple area,” he said. However, the wells disappeared over a period, Perumal said.

R Shivakumar, author of Neerindri, a booklet on water bodies of Madurai said wells were water bodies shared by the community. While the wells within the city catered to drinking water needs and domestic purposes, the wells on the outskirts of the city were used for agricultural purposes. “Rapid urbanisation has eaten away these structures and the numerous borewells sunk in later periods depleted the water table in the city,” he remarked.

source: http://www.timesofindia.indiatimes.com / The Times of India / Home> City> Madurai / TNN / February 23rd, 2014