Category Archives: Arts, Culture & Entertainment

Celebrating Womanhood

Members of SHGs showcasing their products at the Women’s Day celebrations organised by Asha Nivas Social Service Centre | A Raja Chidambaram
Members of SHGs showcasing their products at the Women’s Day celebrations organised by Asha Nivas Social Service Centre | A Raja Chidambaram

Education and economic independence is important for a woman, said Dr V Shanta, chairperson of the Adyar Cancer Institute, on Monday.

The doctor was addressing a large gathering of women during an International Women’s Day celebration organised by Asha Nivas Social Service Centre. She said that a woman should have economic independence to gain respect among others. “Women empowerment means good education, understanding, social concern and economic independence. There was a time when women took care of their children and were silent observers. Dr Muthulakshmi Reddy fought to study medicine from a village in Pudukottai district. She became the first medical graduate in the country and started Avvai home and Adyar Cancer Institute,” she said.

She further said that it was in the hands of a woman to control the man from drinking, stop fighting at home in front of the children and let the girl child at home get good education. “Parents are the role model for children. In urban areas, girls go to schools and colleges while in villages, boys go to school and girls stay at home. As women, you should let your girls study. Children should also be taught self-defence at schools to safeguard themselves from crimes,” the doctor said.

Advising women that extra care for children was necessary to protect them from accidents, Dr K Mathangi Ramakrishnan, chairperson of the Child Trust Hospital, recalled an incident where she helped a boy get care and support after his mother abandoned him following an accident that led to amputation of both his hands. “I get many kids with burn injuries mostly due to falling in to hot sambar, oil or water. Many mothers still leave their children in the kitchen when they cook,” she pointed out.

About 42 best self-help groups were given awards while an exhibition with products made by SHGs was also inaugurated.

source: / The New Indian Express / Home> Cities> Chennai / by Express News Service – Chennai / March 18th, 2014

Different Facets of the Anglo-Indian Community

Anglo-Indians in the city gathered on Friday to celebrate their culture with the launch of a book titled Contemporary Facets of the Anglo-Indian Community.

Written by Geoffrey Kenneth Francis, the former principal of A M Jain College, the book is a chronicle of the Anglo-Indian community’s history in India, the formation of the Anglo-Indian Association and remarkable moments in history, cultural, social and economic issues of the community, and case studies of certain members of the community

“It is basically a SWOT analysis of our community. I hope it will make other people, especially the government, realise that we are a unique community that does not get any support,” said the author. “Many Anglo-Indians have emigrated abroad but our future and strength lies in allegiance and commitment here in India,” he added.

The book was released by Bishop Prakash, chairman, State Minorities Commission, and the first copy was received by historian S Muthiah.

Drawing comparisons with his community, the Naatu Kottai Chettiars and the Anglo-Indian community, S Muthiah appreciated the progress in education achieved by both the communities. “We no longer have to become secretaries and nurses or look to the railways for jobs because education can empower our communities to achieve greater heights,” he said.

Bishop Prakash appreciated the work of the author and said that he would present a copy of the book to the Chief Minister as it provided a great insight into the history and culture of Anglo-Indians. Eminent persons from the Anglo-Indian Community, including Oscar Negley, former MLA, were also present during the book launch.

source: / The New Indian Express / Home> Cities> Chennai / by Express News Service – Chennai / March 11th, 2014

If Stones Could Speak


It’s the holy hill, the miniature mount of miracles, the anchor you rely on when adrift in foggy doubt. Close to two thousand years ago an apostle was martyred on its summit, his gore reddening the soil. On the western outskirts of the city of Chennai (formerly Madras) on the southeastern coast of India, the hill called St. Thomas’ Mount juts up 300 feet above the sea level. The city’s airport lies just beyond the hill and, depending on the time of day and the flight path, one can get an aerial glimpse of the hill from within an aircraft landing or taking off, just as one can watch planes land and take off from atop the hill.  But the hill looks so ordinary, so nondescript, that passers-by on the ground or travelers in the air scarcely give it a glance.

The hill was once wooded but today, as I trudge up the stone steps, I see bedraggled vegetation fighting valiantly to root and thrive in those few parts that are not built up with houses. Construction is in progress; newer buildings are sprouting up like kudzu along the slopes. The climb is a test of stamina; I find myself breathing strenuously and I am only a third of the way to the top. But there are convenient ledges running alongside the steps where I can sit, regain my breath. Brick-paved terraces interrupt the steps at intervals. There is the occasional flat, gray stone slab embedded in the ground, almost flush with the surface. Some bear elaborate inscriptions in Armenian. The people in the church on the hill, let alone the visitors, have little idea of what these inscriptions mean.If stones could speak, I would engage them in spirited conversation, and their answers could shed light on many things. There is much that is mysterious on this hill.The Apostle Thomas is believed to have been martyred on the summit of this hill, hence the name St. Thomas’ Mount. Thomas (the “Doubting Thomas” of the New Testament) is believed to have travelled to Northern India following Christ’s crucifixion, then by sea to Malabar (present-day Kerala) on India’s southwestern coast where he landed in AD 52, and then across the land to the opposite coast where he lived and preached until his martyrdom on the mount in AD 68 (or AD 72, depending on which historical account you buy into) where he was speared to death by an emissary of the local Hindu king while he knelt in prayer before a cross he had carved into the rock. More about this cross later.The mount subsequently became a place for pilgrimage, albeit one that tested the pilgrims’ faith and resolve for they had to surmount rock and brush and clamber across slippery slopes covered with loose, treacherous gravel.  In the early 18th century, an Armenian merchant and philanthropist, Khojah Petrus Woscan, hewed out a flight of 135 steps on the wild and woody northern side of the hill. Woscan also built a bridge across the nearby Adyar River to further help pilgrims, who now no longer struggled to ford the river. People came from afar to the Mount in larger numbers now – but they always had, steps or no steps. A Latin medieval text suggests that in the 9th century King Alfred the Great of England sent an embassy to this tomb in India, long before the steps to the summit were in place. Marco Polo also visited the Mount on his travels in India.
Historic picture of St. Thomas Mount, with the steps leading to the church, in the days when the neighbourhood was largely undeveloped.
Historic picture of St. Thomas Mount, with the steps leading to the church, in the days when the neighbourhood was largely undeveloped.
On the summit of the hill stands a church that is a hybrid of Armenian and Portuguese architecture, both peoples having contributed to its building over periods of time. Its elegance lies in the simplicity of its structure. The cool, black flagstones that pave its floors and its high arched ceilings give welcome relief from the rippling heat waves outside. That this is sacred ground and must be treated as such and not regarded as a picnic spot for romancing couples is highlighted by a sign on a wall: ‘The holiness of this place does not permit the pairs to misuse this place for their merriment.”
As my eyes adjust to the dimmer light, they are drawn to the high stone arch on the ceiling that separates the sanctuary from the nave; on the arch, the name of the church in Portuguese: Senhora da Expectacao (Our Lady of Expectation) is emblazoned. The upper part of the exquisitely ornate white and gold altar has a painting on wood of St. Thomas praying before a cross carved into a boulder. The lower part of the altar has the cross itself, sculpted on a chunk of grey rock. Thomas, so it is said, carved it himself, or at any rate, was speared to death when praying before it, drops of his blood spattering it like rose petals during his death throes.
The cross has an extraordinary reputation. It is said to have “sweated blood” — exuded fluid, which on some occasions was crimson colored — several times between 1551 and 1704, usually an annual event occurring in December. Since 1704, though, the cross has neither “sweated” nor “bled.” Yet the crowds throng to the church in December during the Feast of St. Thomas, eager and enthused, hoping that this will be the year when history repeats itself, and they will be the fortunate ones to bear witness to the miracle that has not recurred for three centuries. Bleeding crosses and other miracles, and angels making divine visitations are all part of being within the church, of accepting its faith. If you are not within the church, then you are outside of it, and have to drift and paddle around on your own. That leaves you vulnerable, unless you have developed your own spiritual muscles. So the throngs come at the Feast of St. Thomas and if the cross remains dry, then they wait with the patience of an elephant as the seasons change and the next anniversary comes around, ready to attend the festival any number of times.
The Bleeding Cross
The Bleeding Cross
Yet there are others who doubt that the Bleeding Cross ever bled a drop, or even that Thomas engraved such an elaborate stone carving. And the discovery of several similar carvings in Kerala on the west coast of India raises further questions about whether the attribution to Thomas is true. Scholars have designated these cross carvings in Kerala as the Nasrani Menorah.A cross designated as a menorah? Or vice versa? How could either of this be?To understand this better, we must time-travel to the fourth century AD, and meet Thomas Canneus, also known as Thomas of Cana (Canaan), who changed his faith from Judaism to Christianity. Thomas of Cana landed in Malabar [Kerala] on the west coast of India along and founded the community popularly known as the Syrian Christians. They had other names as well: the Thomman Christians or the Knanaya, that is, Knai’s People (after Knai Thomman, the name for Thomas of Cana in Malayalam, the local language; it also means Thomas the Zealot). In 345 AD, under Thomas’s leadership and with the blessing of Mor Yusthedius, the Patriarch of Antioch, 72 families sailed to India in three ships, the first of which bore the flag of King David. They spoke Syriac, a dialect of Aramaic, hence they were called the Syrian Christians; there is no connection with the present-day nation, Syria. They were also called the Nasrani (a variation of the word Nazarene) to indicate they were Jews who had embraced Christianity and to distinguish them from Jews who were already living in Kerala in a thriving community centered in the town of Cochin.

Painting of Thomas of Cana and a ship supposedly similar to the one he sailed in to India
Painting of Thomas of Cana and a ship supposedly similar to the one he sailed in to India


Converting from one faith to another is not such a facile exercise as is thought. While you might harbour the conviction that the new faith is propelling you towards salvation, can you so easily let go of old customs and relics that comforted you so often and so much down the years? And so the Nasrani designed their cross after the Jewish menorah, the stand of seven candlesticks.

In the Jewish tradition, the central candle is the main candle from which all the others branches are lit. (Interestingly, the Hebrew word for branch is Netzer, the root word for Nazareth and Nazarene – and therefore, also for Nasrani.) The Nasranis converted the middle candlestick of the menorah into an ornate cross, with three candlesticks (or images representing three candlesticks) flanking the cross on either side. These six branches represent God in the form of the burning bush. Flying vertically downward towards the cross is a dove, its beak touching the top of the cross; this represents the Holy Spirit. This menorah-cross is known as the Nasrani Menorah. It is also referred to as the Syrian Kurishu (the Syrian Cross).

The menorah is not the only aspect of Jewish tradition that the Nasrani Syrian Christians have retained. Another tradition that lives on is the partaking of the Pesaha-Appam, or unleavened Passover bread, along with Pesaha-Paalu, or Passover Coconut Milk, often flavored with unrefined brown sugar, ginger, cumin and cardamom. The Nasrani church has separate seating for men and women, and the sanctuary is partitioned off by a thick red drape until about the middle of the Qurbana (the Nasrani Mass). Until the 1970s, the Qurbana was recited in Syriac-Aramaic; the Nasrani baptism is still called by its Syriac name, Mamodisa, and follows many of the original rituals associate with this rite of passage. The Birkat Hamazon is recited after the blessing of the Holy Eucharist, and as a Thanksgiving blessing. Marriages invariably take place within the community.

As noted previously, in Malayalam (the language of Malabar/Kerala), Thomas of Cana became Knai Thomman. Could this community bearing the Thomas name, then, have got mixed up with the Apostle Thomas? The distinctive Nasrani menorah crosses, carved by the early Syrian Christians in Kerala, may have been attributed to the Apostle Thomas, since it is quite possible to get confused with two names that are similar. That would explain how the Nasrani Menorah in the church on St. Thomas Mount, the cross that sweated blood, got linked to St. Thomas though it is unclear how it travelled coast to coast, from Kerala on the southwestern coast to St. Thomas’ Mount on the southeastern.

Could St. Thomas have carved it? The Nasrani menorah is very distinctive; it came to southern India only around 345 AD, whereas St. Thomas was said to be there three centuries earlier, between the years 52 and 68 (or 72) AD. Also, if St. Thomas had carved a symbol during that time, would it have been a cross at all?  Scholars say that the cross did not become a symbol of Christianity until sometime in the late second century AD.  The cross was a very visible reminder of deliberate torture, suffering and death — a hated and grisly method of public execution, besides being irrevocably associated with the death of beloved Jesus the Christ, the founder of their religion. The early Christians used, not the cross but the Ichthys (Fish Symbol) to represent their faith. Did the Apostle St. Thomas even visit the hill that bears his name?


An unveiled tabernacle of a Knanaya temple, with the Nasrani Menorah in Silver in the foreground on the table and 12 candlestands in the background representing the 12 tribes of Israel. Note the close resemblance between Nasrani Menorah and the Bleeding Cross.
An unveiled tabernacle of a Knanaya temple, with the Nasrani Menorah in Silver in the foreground on the table and 12 candlestands in the background representing the 12 tribes of Israel. Note the close resemblance between Nasrani Menorah and the Bleeding Cross.

If stones could speak, we could whisper to each of the Nasrani menorahs scattered across Kerala, and to the Bleeding Cross, and they would whisper their stories back to us, tales of hope and fear, of bravery and cowardice, of longing and satisfaction. But as that is not possible, we must wait for historians and scholars to probe back in time to determine the facts, decipher them and solve these puzzles from the past.

Historians and scholars, however, do not always agree with each other both on the authenticity of discoveries or their interpretation. After his martyrdom atop St. Thomas Mount, the remains of the apostle were taken to Edessa in Mesapotamia (modern-day Urfa in Turkey) and interred there. But there is a relic in the church on St. Thomas Mount, a finger bone, purportedly the one that probed the wounds of Christ. Along the way to Edessa, relic seekers seemed to have helped themselves to many of his other bones as well. Roman Catholic records say the Apostle was buried at Ortona in the Abruzzi region of Italy; the Greek Orthodox claim that Thomas’s skull rests on the island of Patmos in the Aegean, but leaves us unclear about where the rest of his body is, and when and why the two were separated. As one commentator put it tongue-in-cheek, if all the bony relics of the apostle that are on display in various churches and museums were collected and assembled, we would end up with one and a half skeletons.

Christians in India take pride that their religious heritage can be traced to a direct disciple of Christ. Pope Benedict XVI caused a lot of angst and heartburn among many Indian Christians when, during his September 27, 2006 speech at the Vatican, he mentioned that St. Thomas evangelized Syria and Persia and then went on to Western India, from where Christianity spread to other parts of India, including the South. In other words, the pontiff seemed to be dismissing the legend that the Apostle Thomas was ever in South India. After the cries of outrage from the Indian Christians, the Vatican took the unusual step of amending the published text of the pope’s speech.

But such doubts have been raised before, even by those in the church hierarchy. In 1729 the Bishop of Madras-Mylapore wrote to the Sacred Congregation of Rites in Rome for clarification about whether the tomb in the San Thome Cathedral of Madras was indeed that of St. Thomas. Rome’s reply was not published. A century later, in 1871 the Roman Catholic authorities at Madras were “strong in disparagement of the special sanctity of the localities [San Thome Cathedral, Little Mount, and St. Thomas Mount, the three areas in Madras associated with St. Thomas Mount] and the whole story connecting St. Thomas with Mailapur.” But in 1886 Pope Leo XIII stated in an apostolic letter that St. Thomas “travelled to Ethiopia, Persia, Hyrcania and finally to the Peninsula beyond the Indus”, and in 1923 Pope Pius XI quoted Pope Leo’s letter and identified St. Thomas with “India”. However, historians note that many ancient writers loosely used the term “India” to refer to several territories east and south of the Roman Empire – including Abyssinia, Mesopotamia, Parthia (Persia/Iran), Arachosia and Gandhara (modern Afghanistan/Pakistan), and parts of Arabia, especially the coastal territories (modern Yemen and Oman).

Historians have neither conclusively proved nor disproved that St. Thomas was ever in southern India.  And the stones will not speak.

Each individual experiences two types of hunger, the material and the spiritual, in varying degrees of proportion. The most common pang of spiritual hunger is groping for answers to the eternal questions: Who am I?  What am I doing here?

We are born with material and spiritual components, the gross and the ethereal. The material is easy to relate to, but the spiritual is more nebulous. Some see spiritual matters as concerned with our ultimate nature and meaning, not just as biological organisms but as beings with a unique relationship with the spirit that transcends time, space and the material sphere. Others view spirituality as the nurturing and development of one’s inner life.

In a great many minds, the institutionalization of religion is now associated bloodshed, division, incredible cruelty to other people in the name of evangelism or jihad or some other form of crusade, forcible religious conversions, and so on. It also brings images of being punished for sins or erroneous ways, many of which are all too human.

Religion aims to rise and soar above the worldly plane yet organized religions have been continuously seduced by a material focus. Atop St. Thomas Mount, you need permission to photograph the church interiors and the relics, and the granting of the permission is accompanied by a request for a donation. The staff member in charge tries to gauge where you live to suggest a donation amount.  Donors are offered a book to sign in (and record the donated amount), and a glance shows that visitors from overseas have donated far larger sums than the locals.


Couples in love! No romancing or partying on these sacred grounds! If you want to date, go elsewhere!
Couples in love! No romancing or partying on these sacred grounds! If you want to date, go elsewhere!


There are two large Hindu temples north and south of St. Thomas Mount: the temple of Lord Venkateswara in Tirupati, and the temple to the Goddess Meenakshi in Madurai. The Tirupati temple is the wealthiest Hindu temple, and reputedly the richest and most visited religious shrine in the world. The Madurai Meenakshi temple is an ancient temple, famed for its stunning architectural complexity. Many such temples that draw crowds of devotees have complex queue systems to make you line up just to flit past the sanctum sanctorum and get a momentary glimpse of the deity.

But Mammon can insinuate his way anywhere, even in houses of worship.  So in many temples there is more than one line. There is a line where there is no charge, and there is a line where you need to purchase a ticket. Since the first line is hopelessly long, people purchase tickets. They still have to wait, but for a somewhat shorter time. Then there are the super high-priced tickets that permit you to jump both lines and sneak up first.

Now, material houses of worship do need material means for their maintenance; this is why an offertory basket is passed around at church services. And when there are throngs of hundreds and thousands of pilgrims, there needs to be some sort of regulatory system to maintain order. But the whole notion that paying more money ushers you into the divine presence ahead of those who paid less has something repugnant about it. After all the idol is not God, it is merely an image to remind you of God or of certain aspects of God. For example, some Hindu deities are depicted with multiple heads (God is omniscient) or multiple hands (God is omnipotent). An omniscient, omnipotent God is everywhere, not just restricted to the sanctum sanctorum of the temples, or on the altars of churches or synagogues. If stones could speak, this is what the idols of the deities would say, adding that those that understand this and feel the presence of the divine all the time have no need to lighten their wallets or purses to stand in line for a long time to get a glimpse of an image.


Another view of the same, with the church in the background. The banyan tree alongside the church is reputed to be around 175 yrs old.
Another view of the same, with the church in the background. The banyan tree alongside the church is reputed to be around 175 yrs old.


In organized religion more attention is paid to the external aspects of religion (the appropriate vestment for priest and bishop, the proper items for a puja ceremony), and to the hierarchy within a religion, or to the rules that govern that particular faith, than to the inner experience of religion itself.  A great many cling to the outer trappings. As described earlier, the Knanaya Christians have retained their Jewish traditions to the point they are sometimes even referred to as the Jewish Christians, a term that can raise both eyebrows and hackles in other parts of the world. The throngs at St. Thomas’ Mount firmly believe that the cross will bleed once more, and attribute all kinds of explanations (including the effect of their collective sins, their karma en masse) for why the flow of blood has been stanched for three centuries. Hindus who have been proselytized to Christianity bring their caste baggage with them; once Hindu Nadars and Pillais, now they are Nadar Christians and Pillai Christians, and the old eddies and undercurrents still flow strong though all of them are supposedly One in Christ.

But times have changed and are changing. Whether it is due to the advancement of science and technology and the new ways of thinking that this brings, or whether due to other factors, the wholesale reliance on belief is eroding. In bygone times, belief was the cornerstone of religion. Today, the numbers of people who place emphasis on individual spiritual experience rather than belief is growing. “I’m not religious, but I’m spiritual” — how often have you heard that phrase?

And yet, often it is their religion that has helped to unfold their latent spirituality, and still has repositories of wisdom nuggets buried within its voluminous folds, though sometimes a spirited excavation is required to find them.

If stones could speak, could they tell us the whole story of the two Thomases — the apostle Thomas and the Nasrani Thomas?  As the stones at one church may say, “We’ve been resting on this very spot for centuries, and we can tell you what went on here, but you’ll have to travel to other parts of the country and talk to the stones there, and then piece all the information together.”

“All right,” you respond, but the stones then gently remind you that the other stones who might have been witness to significant events may no longer be there, either carted away to other unknown destinations, or simply blown into smithereens by dynamite and bulldozers clearing the land for new development. So many stones, blown up into enough silicon dust to fill up a valley, indeed, many valleys, taking with them all their collective memories.

“But why,” one of the older, wiser stones may ask, “do you want to know this? What real difference will it make?  If you can trace your faith lineage down the byzantine alleyways of history to St. Thomas and directly to Christ, does that put you a cut above your fellow Christians who cannot claim such a pedigree?  Which religion do you follow — the religion of  Jesus the Christ or the religion built around Jesus the Christ?”

People extract meaning from symbols and imagery of religious tradition. In the beginning, this may be useful in helping to focus the distracted mind on the idea the symbol represents. But this is the means, not the end.  The ninth-century Chinese Buddhist master Linji Yixuan said, “If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him ….. Then for the first time you will gain emancipation, will not be entangled with things, pass freely anywhere you wish to go.”  One can replace Buddha in the quote with Christ or Moses or any other religious figure.  What is implied here is that when you convert a spiritual leader into a sacred fetish that then becomes larger than life, you miss the core essence of his teachings. And the greatest tribute you can give your spiritual preceptor is to follow his teachings. How many actually do that?

Once you pass through the arch portal, you climb up stone steps like these. On the sides, one can see sculptures of the various Stations of the Cross. One such sculpture is visible on the right side in this picture.
Once you pass through the arch portal, you climb up stone steps like these. On the sides, one can see sculptures of the various Stations of the Cross. One such sculpture is visible on the right side in this picture.


If stones could speak, perhaps one of the wise among them would say, “Don’t hang around here waiting for stone crosses to sweat, or to gawk at pieces of bone and faded paintings. Go back to your daily routine, but reach out to other people. Forgive them if their faults have roiled you, bless them, see the innocence in them, give them a real loving hug. Those are the kinds of things it all boils down to.”

And another stone might add, “We have learnt much by sitting still in the silence. And so should you. Walk barefoot on the dew-bedecked grass in the early morning, and feel it caress the soles of your feet. Enjoy the sunlight filtering through the leafy trees, and the clouds rolling across the bright blue sky. Gaze at the stars at night, pierce through space and permit yourself to soar heavenwards until you are one with them.”

source: / The Prague Revue / Home> In the Stream by Vishwas R. Gaitonde / January 01st, 2014

MADRAS 374 : Letter from Japan: that special taste of a dosa


A south-Indian delight at a Japanese restaurant./ Photo: Ayako Kondo / The Hindu
A south-Indian delight at a Japanese restaurant./ Photo: Ayako Kondo / The Hindu

I was happily surprised when I found the word ‘dosa’ on a menu at Indira, a small Indian restaurant a 15-minute drive away from my parents’ house in Tonami.

I don’t know why, but in Japan, in general, an ‘Indian’ restaurant means a north Indian restaurant. Their menus only have items that seem to be of north Indian-style – like chicken curries that are heavy on the gravy and naan.

I hardly see chappatis in Indian restaurants here. It is only of late that south Indian restaurants have begun coming up, and most of them are still only in Tokyo. So for south Indian food-lovers in Japan living outside of the capital, it is somewhat of a privilege to get a taste of south Indian food.

So how come the dosa on that menu, I wondered. It may be hard for you to believe, but my hometown doesn’t even have a cinema, let alone an Indian restaurant serving dosas.

To find out, I chatted with the chef, a good-looking Indian man who speaks fluent Japanese in the dialect of my hometown. He said he was originally from Kolkata and had worked as a chef in Chennai for more than 10 years. He had then worked in Malaysia and had finally settled down in Japan. He brought dosas into the menu as he saw a fellow chef serving dosas in another restaurant and realised they were very popular.

And there it was, a simple dosa in front of me. As far as I know, Indira is the first Indian restaurant serving south Indian food in my home prefecture, Toyama. Is this something to do with globalisation? It doesn’t matter. I just hope dosa will serve as a trigger and that someday, I will get idlis or even vada, bonda, curd rice and lemon rice in my hometown!

(Ms. Kondo, who lives in Toyama, spent some time in Chennai as a student)

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source: / The Hindu / Home> News> Cities> Chennai / by Ayako Kondo / August 21st, 2013

Convention on cultural heritage in Chennai

SPIC MACAY (Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music And Culture Amongst Youth) and IIT-Madras will be conducting a week-long convention on Indian cultural heritage here starting June 8, 2014.

The convention, the second such one, would be attended by 1,500 delegates from the country and abroad and over 50 renowned artists will showcase their performance and organise workshops, a release here said today.

There will programmes of classical music and dance, folk, theatre, films, yoga, talks by eminent people, handicraft workshops and other activities, it said.

Some of the artists scheduled to performing at the convention include M Balamuralikrishna, Pandit Shivkumar Sharma, Pandit Ulhas Kashalkar, Pandit Venkatesh Kumar, Vidwan Ravikiran and Mandolin Srinivas among others, it added.

source: / Business Standard / Home>  News> PTI Stories> National> News / by Press Trust of India  / Chennai – March 06th, 2014

Sculpture, copper coins unearthed in Srirangam

Trichy :

The state archaeology department, which is excavating the premises of the 1,000-pillar mandapam (pavilion) at the Sriranganathaswamy temple in Srirangam, has unearthed the statue of an elephant and several treasures including copper coins. Digging is currently on at the rear of the mandapam as a portion of it is buried in sand.

A 12-member excavation team, which commenced work from Monday, found the 12-feet tall stone sculpture of elephant on Tuesday. Four curators, who are assisting the archaeologists, said copper coins and stone idols too were found in the site. They expect more metals and idols during the ongoing excavation.

When the mandapam was last renovated in 2011 its sides were spruced up. Water was made to flow through the sides to strengthen the base of the structure. The renovation was carried out by the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments (HR&CE) department.

source: / The Times of India / Home> City> Trichy / by Harish Murali, TNN / March 06th, 2014

Book on soil fertility status of TN released

A book on soil fertility status of  Tamil Nadu , documented by Tamil Nadu Agricltural University, has been released for benefit of various stakeholders in the agriculture sector.

To document soil fertility status of nine selected districts of high fertilizer consumption viz Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Thiruvarur, Cuddalore, Villupuram, Salem, Erode, Tiruchirapalli and Coimbatore,3,600 soil samples were collected from small, medium and large farm holdings, TNAU Vice-Chancello K Ramasamy said in a release here today.

The samples were analyzed for 12 parameters, including electrical conductivity, organic carbon, available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and the thematics maps depicting the soil fertility status were generated using GIS, he said.

The book titled ‘GPS and GIS Based soil fertility appraisal for selected districts in Tamil Nadu- a Monograph,’ was released by Sandeep Saxena, Agriculture Production Commissioner and Principal Secretary (Agriculture), on March four, he said.

Monograph is a precious documentation and would serve as an appropriate tool for macro level planning and soil health maintenance in Tamil Nadu, he added.

source: / Business Standard / Home> PTI Stories> National> News / by Press Trust of India / Coimbatore – March 06th, 2014

A revolutionary who shook Tamil society (Book Review)

Title: Periyar: A Political Biography of E.V. Ramasamy;

Author: Bala Jeyaraman; Publisher: Rainlight/Rupa; Pages: 124; Price: Rs.295

No one did what E.V. Ramasamy (Naicker), popularly known as “Periyar” (respected one or elder), did to Tamil society. The father of the Dravidian movement was a rationalist, a social reformer, a political activist and, above all, an unabashed atheist, the only one in modern India of his stature to publicly defy Hindu gods. But he did not remain a mass leader forever. When he was, he had the guts to denounce Mahatma Gandhi, and he played a key role in destroying the Congress party in what is now known as Tamil Nadu .

Ironically, for one who was passionately anti-God and anti-Brahmin, he was named after an avatar of Lord Vishnu because his parents visited many temples and prayed to many deities praying for a child. What makes Jeyaraman’s book a good read is it neither sees Periyar as a superman his admirers make him out to be nor as a hateful demagogue his critics say he was.

After a difficult young life during which time he fled his home and once scavenged for leftovers in the garbage, Periyar developed leadership traits as he returned to take care of the family business. In no time he became a member of the Erode Municipal Council, becoming its chairman in 1918. He was “unafraid and scrupulously honest”.

He joined the Congress, partly because of his (earlier) high regards for Gandhi. But the Brahmin dominance of the party stifled him. Once he walked out, he made it clear that his mission was to destroy God, religion, Gandhi, Congress and the Brahmin, whom he loathed.

Thus began the Self-Respect Movement that made him an outspoken critic of Hindu religious rituals and Hindu gods. He campaigned for equal rights for women, widow remarriage and untouchability – no easy task in that era. He organized weddings without Brahmin priests or Sanskrit hymns, at times holding them during the supposedly inauspicious “Rahu Kalam”! He even advocated test tube babies! When his wife died, he had her body put in a coffin, carried in a hearse and cremated – “to combine the funeral customs of Muslims, Christians and Hindus”.

When a Rajaji ministry tried to impose Hindi on the Tamils during the British era, Periyar called for a separate “Dravida Nadu” – a la Jinnah’s Pakistan. He did not accept government office but came to form the Dravida Kazhagam or DK (from which were born the DMK and, later, the AIADMK). It was Periyar’s second marriage, to one far younger to him, that partly led to a split in the DK and the birth of the DMK. The latter’s growth clipped Periyar’s wings over time.

His opposition to Hindi and Hindu gods, however, raged on. But his post-independence call for boycott of Brahmins went nowhere. Periyar also sought a ban in government offices of all religious holidays and display of pictures of Hindu gods.

Periyar was no armchair revolutionary. “Probably there is no other personality in Tamil Nadu whose legacy has been debated and fought over as much as that of Periyar’s.” He remained a fighter till the very end, at times getting wheeled to public meetings with a urine bucket in tow. One of his legacies is the near complete absence of caste-based surnames in Tamil Nadu. But his atheist plank has almost been abandoned by the Dravidian parties of today. It is impossible to understand today’s Tamil Nadu politics without knowing Periyar.

(M.R. Narayan Swamy can be reached on

source: / Business Standard / Home>  News-IANS> Arts-Culture-Book / by IANS / February 03rd, 2014

Second Coming to Rock City this Week

Musicians of Second Coming | Express

It’s not often that a place like Vellore gets to witness one of the premiere music bands of  the country perform. This Friday, the city will witness a performance by one of the favourite groups,  Second Coming, at a private function.

The story of  Second Coming is one that speaks about second chances in life and how a bunch of experienced musicians following their passion of writing their own music have shot to national prominence.

It all started over four years ago, as a series of impromptu jams at the house of Sengen Joachim in Yercaud. Anyone who was in Chennai during the 70s would have heard of the band The Avengers and its leader Sengen Joachim. Sengy, as he’s affectionately known as, now lives in Sacramento, California but he spends four months of the year in Yercaud where he is in the process of setting up an artists village on his 60- acre property.

It was here that Sengy met Reji Varghese, who had by that time already released an album of his own compositions. A strong bond and friendship developed between Sengy and Reji and they started composing and recording their own music, a few of which went on to be aired on radioand a few on TV as jingles for Pondy Tourism. They were joined a year later by bass guitarist Tenny Allwood, jazz guitarist Philip Kohlhoff, keyboard-player  Mark Wilcox and drummer Maynard Grant.

The line-up now includes rising star and young vocalist Ryan Fernandez and guitarist Darren Netto, who is referred to as ‘The Jimmy Hendrix of Chennai’.

The impromptu jam sessions in the hills of Yercaud  have now snowballed into over 65 concerts across five States, and four hit songs from their debut album Colours New.

Second Coming has its own state-of-the-art recording studio at Perambur, Chennai, where they record their own music as well as jingles.

source: / The New Indian Express / Home> States> Tamil Nadu / by Express News Service – Vellore / March 04th, 2014

Creative Explorations

Srinidhi Chidambaram. / Photo: R. Ragu / The Hindu
Srinidhi Chidambaram. / Photo: R. Ragu / The Hindu

Srinidhi Chidambaram’s individuality shines as she pushes the boundaries of the Margam.

At a time when small children spent hours at home playing, Srinidhi Chidambaram straddled the stage to playact the role of young Bharata (as a four-year old) in the production, ‘Shakuntalam,’ led by legendary dancing queen Kumari Kamala. Young Srinidhi put to rest the fears of her grandmother that she would fall asleep even before her curtain call… For, not only did she stay awake, but she also got her dialogue delivery right! She, thus, stole the hearts of the viewers, and from then on, there has been no looking back.

For almost seven years, from the age of three, Srinidhi trained under Guru Kamala. Recollecting the time spent with her teacher with fondness, Srinidhi remembers the unconventional approach she had to teaching, making the learning process enjoyable even as they played – at the same time, she was a disciplinarian and a perfectionist, and there were no short-cuts.

Yet one lesson remained imprinted in Srinidhi’s mind, a lesson she continues to pay heed to even today- Kamala taught her that dancers were never to show their disapproval of accompanying artists, by ‘stomping their feet’ or ‘glaring at them’, if a faux pas had taken place during a concert, and ‘never to pick up fallen jewellery’ while still on stage.

Completing her arangetram at the age of seven, she began giving solo performances and suddenly two years later, she found herself without a guru when Kamala decided to migrate to the U.S. It was then that the search for her next guru led her to the great teacher, Swamimalai S.K. Rajaratnam Pillai, who moulded and chiselled her talent.

The strength in precise geometric lines combined with grace seen in her dance was her guru’scontribution. The musical and choreographic genius that he was, he ensured that each of his students developed their individual identity, without becoming clones!

He also encouraged his students to choreograph the songs independently. This, she says, “helps me to create new choreographies even to this day. The additional training I received in music, under Suguna Purushottaman and Kamalarani for nattuvangam, has also added depth to my work.’’

A FRUITFUL JOURNEY: Srinidhi Chidambaram. / Photo: S.S. Kumar / The Hindu
A FRUITFUL JOURNEY: Srinidhi Chidambaram. / Photo: S.S. Kumar / The Hindu

Child prodigy

This dancer who was labelled ‘child prodigy’ by the famous critic Subbudu, went from strength to strength, carving a niche for herself. A classicist in her own right, she has been acknowledged for her excellence in dancing to the traditional Margam repertoire. With experience and maturity came the urge to be creative, which found her pushing the boundaries of the Margam, without moving away from it. The recent years have seen her perform to the new repertoire that she is slowly working on. ‘Chennai’ was her response to the city that has been so much a part of her growing up, and as a Chennai girl, she did a full length Margam as a tribute to the city she loves.

In this search for new themes rose the need for new compositions, and this time it was her father-in-law who introduced her to the poetic world of Vairamuthu, which she absorbed so easily, especially since she was inculcated into the love for Tamizh literature by her teacher at Good Shepherd Convent, Shanti Ganesan. “Vairamuthu’s poetry,” she says “has the ability to convey the deepest emotions in simple, but attractive Tamizh that goes straight to the heart, and has a cadence that lends itself well to music.”

Srinidhi has choreographed many pieces based on his poems and memorable is her response to ‘Avasara Thalatu,’ the woes of a working mother of today, who dons several hats even as she tries to juggle her time between her career and home. In today’s fast paced world, where mothers seldom have the luxury of a slow paced thalattu or lullaby, ‘Avasara Thalatu’ comes as perhaps the best answer! When Nature exploded with rage in Uttarakand, the artist in her sought Vairamuthu once again, this time to unleash her queries about Nature’s Fury.

The immense support that she has received from her long time associates, Swamimalai Suresh and Radha Badri, has given her the much needed strength to add a new dimension to the classical Thanjavur Quartette piece, ‘Sakhiye inda velayil.’ She modestly admits: “One cannot perhaps beautify a composition that is already so brilliant. Yet I have attempted to do so.” To the lines of the pallavi, anupallavi and charanam, she has incorporated some verses from Divya Prabandam and Nachiar Thirumozhi, which are appropriate and blend well with the ideas expressed in the varnam.

When asked about the response to her innovation, she said candidly that it was a “mixed bag” – “I take criticism in my stride and my worst critic is my mother!”

She continues to explore further and has recently worked on a medley of Tyagaraja kritis, as a composition on the lines of a varnam besides experimentation with the thillana too. She is quite excited about this new phase of a creative journey.

Managing a full time career as a medical professional, it is her deep love and passion for the arts inculcated in her by her grandmother and parents that see her sailing from one Season into another.

For Srinidhi, it has certainly been a long and fruitful journey dotted with many awards and accolades, the most notable being the Kalaimamani and the Nrityachoodamani.

source: / The Hindu / Home> Features> Friday Reviw> Dance / by V. V. Ramani / Chennai – February 27th, 2014